A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about taking a six month Merch “hiatus”. In my case, that was just a fancy way of saying I got lazy and let life get in the way of my Merch side gig.
So, what was holding me back?
One word: Time.
A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about taking a six month Merch “hiatus”. In my case, that was just a fancy way of saying I got lazy and let life get in the way of my Merch side gig.
So, what was holding me back?
One word: Time.
I'm a full time father of 2, IT Manager, and Merch by Amazon seller.
Follow along as I document my journey with tips, monthly income reports, and more!
Merch Ready Designs - A popular site to purchase high-quality, premade Merch by Amazon designs.
I have two kids; a 5 year old daughter and 1 year old son. If I can bring in an extra 2k per month with Merch, so can you.
Email [email protected] if you have any Merch questions, tips, or topics you think I should write about.
Note: I don't advertise or cross promote any products I don't personally use.